Volume VII - 1953  
 Volume Dedication Greek more PDF
 Note by the Editorial Board Greek more PDF
 Circular of the Committee for the Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Ioannis Kalitsounakis Greek more PDF
Κ. Ι. Vourveris - Ν. V. Tomadakis Ioannis Kalitsounakis. Professor Emeritus of the University of Athens, Regular Member of the Academy of Athens, Honorary Professor of the Free University of Berlin. Curriculum vitae Greek more PDF
 Bibliography of Ioannis Kalitsounakis Greek more PDF
Tomadakis Ν. Hippolytos of Chios, the Cretan Greek more PDF
Koukoules F. On the poem Synaxarion ton eugenikon gynaikon kai timiotaton archondisson (Synaxary of Noble Women and Most Honourable Ladies) Greek more PDF
Keydell Rudolfus Ad Synesii H. 1. 292 Adnotatiuncula Latin more PDF
Laourdas V. Makarios Makris’ Life of Aghios Andreas of Jerusalem, Archbishop of Crete Greek more PDF
Vogliano Achille Cretan [epigrams],  Italian more PDF
Spyridakis G. K.  Cretan notes Greek more PDF
Barigazzi Adelmo Sopra alcune epigrafi metriche di Ostia [On some verse epigraphs from Ostia] Italian more PDF
Economides D. V Three works of Cretan literature in Aperathou, Naxos Greek more PDF
Skassis Ε. Α.  Crete and Latin authors Greek more PDF
Bouboulidis F. Κ.  Popular elements in Zeno Greek more PDF
Kunze Emil  A Cretan Olympic Champion Greek more PDF
Konomis Ν. Ch.  Notes on the Cretan and Cypriot dialects Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. The orations of Nectarios of Jerusalem Greek more PDF
Panagiotakis Ν. Μ.  Notes on Cretan place-names  Greek more PDF
Morgan Gareth French and Italian Elements in the Erotocritos English more PDF
Dölger F. Fragments of a Hitherto Unknown Kyrillos Lexicon Deutsch more PDF
Parlamas Μ. G.  Unpublished documents from Sphakia  Greek more PDF
Marinatos S. On the track of Chersiphron and Metagenes in Amnissos Greek more PDF
Zoras G. T.  The Story of Ptocholeon (from an unpublished version in private hands) Greek more PDF
Trypanis C.A.  Posidippus Ant. Palatina XII. 98 English more PDF
Kriaras Ε. The popular character of Cretan literature, the literatures of the Renaissance and the Byzantine demotic tradition Greek more PDF
Gerhard Rohlfs Cretan Plant Names Deutsch more PDF
Vourveris Κ. Ι.  Plato and Crete, a chapter of Ancient Greek anthropogeography Greek more PDF
Orlandos Α.  The Early Christian basilica of Syia Greek more PDF
Irmscher J.  The Bonn Corpus and the Berlin Academy Deutsch more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.  A patriarchal sigil on parchment from Myriokefala Monastery in Rethymnon Greek more PDF
Romaios Κ.  The Cretan version of the Thanatos tou Digene (Death of Digenes) Greek more PDF
Kakridis Ι. Μ.  Interpreting Bergadis’ Apokopos Greek more PDF
Andriotis Ν. P.  syntactical notes on Medieval and Modern Greek Greek more PDF
Charitonides C. S.  Varia ad Varios Greek more PDF
Vlachos Ν.  Speech on the anniversary of the holocaust of the Monastery of Arkadi and its defenders, made in Rethymnon on 7 November 1951 Greek more PDF
Platon N. Inscriptions from Crete Greek more PDF
Kapsomenos S. G.  Etymological notes on the Cretan dialect Greek more PDF
Veis Ν. Α.  The Kakon Oros of Crete and its parallel toponyms Greek more PDF
Vasmer Max  On Slav Loan Words in Modern Greek Deutsch more PDF
Babinger Franz  On the Life Story of Calixtus Ottomanus (Bajezid Osman) Deutsch more PDF
Konidaris G. Ι.  The episcopal sees of Crete up to the 10th century Greek more PDF
Platon N. Archaeological activity in Crete in 1953 Greek more PDF
 The Society of Cretan Historical Studies Greek more PDF
Alexiou S.  The Giamalakis Collection in 1953 Greek more PDF

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