Volume III - 1949  
Nilsson M.  The Greek migration to Crete Greek more PDF
Mamalakis.Ι. P.  The question of D. Mavrocordatos’ posting as Governor of Crete in 1867 (Behind the scenes of the 1866-9 conflict) Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. The census of Crete by Trivan (1644) and the so-called catalogue of Cretan families of Corfu Greek more PDF
Xenaki Α. The Minoan sealstones in the Giamalakis Collection Greek more PDF
Laourdas V. Encomium of the Ten Holy and Gloriously Triumphant Martyrs by Andreas the Hierosolymite, Archbishop of Crete Greek more PDF
Christou. P. Paul the Apostle and Epimenides’ quatrain Greek more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.   Unpublished ecclesiastical documents from the period of Turkish rule, deposited in Heraklion Museum. II. Documents from the Church of Crete to the Patriarchate Greek more PDF
Jeffery L. H.  The letter in Crete Greek more PDF
Platon N. The dating of the Minoan palace of Phaistos Greek more PDF
Tomadakis Ν. Two Cretan Patriarchs of Alexandria confused: Gerasimos I Spartaliotes (1620-1636) and Gerasimos II Palladas (1688-1710) Greek more PDF
Astruc C. Maxime Margounios et les recueils parisiens de sa correspondence  French more PDF
Mertzios Κ. D.  The treaty between the Venetians and Kallergis and the accompanying lists Greek more PDF
Parlamas Μ. G.  The historical and biographical notes of Stephanos Nikolaides Greek more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.  Unpublished ecclesiastical documents from the period of Turkish rule, deposited in Heraklion Museum. III. Documents between the metropolis and bishops of Crete and from the Church of Crete to the Christian community Greek more PDF
G. de Santerre H. Mallia, aperçu historique French more PDF
Hionides H.  An English report concerning the siege and fall of Chandax English more PDF
Mamalakis.Ι. P.  Samuel Howe and the Cretan rising of 1866 Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. The report of the Duke of Crete Zuanne Sagredo  Greek more PDF
Platon N. The tomb of Staphylos and the Minoan colonisation of Peparethos Greek more PDF
Chatzidakis Μ. collection of icons belonging to the Greek Community of Venice Greek more PDF
Laourdas V. Cretan Palaeography 3. The ‘Hymnologion’ of Georgios Loubanos Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. The family surname of Miliaras Greek more PDF
Laourdas V. Effenterre, Henri van., La Crète et le monde grec de Platon à Polybe (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, fascicule cent-soixante-troisième), Paris 1948, σελ. 340 Greek more PDF
Platon N. Archaeological activity in Crete in 1949 Greek more PDF

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