Volume XII - 1958  
Makrymichalos S. I.  Unpublished documents from the Skouloudis Archive relating to the Cretan Revolution of 1866-69 Greek more PDF
Kriaras Ε. Semantics issues in Erotokritos and other texts (προδίδω-προδότης, πους-ποδότης-ποδότας, αποδίδω-αποδότης) Greek more PDF
Doulgerakis E. Ι.  A contribution to the history of Vrontisi Monastery Greek more PDF
Notopoulos J. A.  The Cretan song of Omalos and the patrona Greek more PDF
Alexiou S.  The Minoan goddess with upraised arms Greek more PDF
Politis L.  Observations on Cretan texts Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. Statistical information on late 16th century Crete Italian more PDF
Xyggopoulos Α.  On a Cretan fresco Greek more PDF
Kalokyris K. D.  Ioannis Pagomenos, 14th-century Byzantine artist Greek more PDF
Mertzios Κ. D.  Five wills of Cretans from the Venetian archives Greek more PDF
Laourdas V. Cretan palaeography 20. Michael Apostoles, Eulogy to Andreas Kalergis Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. New unpublished Venetian documents (1386-1420) on the Cretan poet Leonardos Dellaportas Greek more PDF
Lassithiotakis Κ.  A supplement to Sphakian Houses Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. The Solomos family from Crete Greek more PDF
 Report on the transactions of the Board of Governors of the Society of Cretan Historical Studies for 1958 Greek more PDF
Platon N. Archaeological activity in Crete in 1958 Greek more PDF

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