Volume XI - 1957  
 Volume dedication Greek more PDF
Tomadakis N. V.  †Agathaggelos Xirouchakis (1872-1958), an outline biography and bibliography Greek more PDF
Tomadakis N. V.  The episcopate and bishops of Kydonia (of Agia, Kydonia (and Kissamos) and Apokoronas) Greek more PDF
Mertzios Κ. D.  An unknown adventure faced by the town of Chania in 1692 Greek more PDF
Alexiou S.  Kornaros’ will and the poet of Erotokritos Greek more PDF
Drandakis N. V.  The chapel of Aghios Georgios at Artos, Rethymnon prefecture Greek more PDF
Aposkitou Μ.  Molière and Cretan theatre. A contribution to the comparative study of Renaissance theatre Greek more PDF
Lassithiotakis Κ.  Sphakian houses Greek more PDF
Huxley G. L.  Observations on the Messeniaca of Rhianus of Bene English more PDF
Prevelakis E. The siege of Vamos and the diplomatic repercussions thereof (May 1896) Greek more PDF
Zambetakis E A 19th-century attempt to proselytize Cretans to Catholicism Greek more PDF
Hydiroglou P. N.  The legend of the tomb and village of Caiaphas on Crete Greek more PDF
Spyridakis G. K.  A contribution to the study of Greek proverbs Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. An unpublished inventory of the 100 cities of Crete Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. An encyclical from Ioannis Plousiadenos to the priests of Chandax Greek more PDF
Alexiou S. G. A. Megas, Greek feasts and folk worship customs Greek more PDF
Archbishop Evgenios of Crete The eulogy at the funeral of Agathaggelos Xirouchakis, Bishop of Kydonia Greek more PDF
 Report on the transactions of the Board of Governors of the Society of Cretan Historical Studies for 1957 Greek more PDF
Platon N. Archaeological activity in Crete in 1957 Greek more PDF
Alexiou S.  Excavations by the foreign Schools of Archaeology Greek more PDF

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