Volume I - 1947  
Kalitsounakis I. The Cretan Sea Greek more PDF
Platon N. Two names of non-existant Cretan towns: i. Mation, ii. Tisyroi Greek more PDF
Chatzidakis Μ. Cretan art and Italian engraving Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. Issues relating to Cretan theatre Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. A memorandum from Morosini to Louis XIV (1669) Greek more PDF
Stavrinides Ν. Unpublished documents of the Turkish Occupation of Crete. Two documents regulating the taxation system following the fall of Crete Greek more PDF
Tomadakis Ν. Emmanuel, Konstantinos and Marinos Tzane Bounalis (a literary and bibliographic outline) Greek more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.  Unpublished ecclesiastical documents from the period of Turkish rule, deposited in Heraklion Museum (part 1) Greek more PDF
Parlamas M.G.  The diary of Konstantinos Kozyris from Kritsa (part 1) Greek more PDF
Kriaras Ε. Issues relating to the Thysia tou Avraam [The Sacrifice of Abraham] (chronology – the poet) Greek more PDF
Platon N. Contribution to the toponyms, topography and history of the cities and fortresses of Crete Greek more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.  Unpublished ecclesiastical documents from the period of Turkish rule, deposited in Heraklion Museum (part 2) Greek more PDF
Laourdas V. The Sphakian uprising and Daskalogiannis according to documents in the Heraklion Turkish Archive Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. Nektarios of Jerusalem’s Epitome hierokosmikes historias and its sources Greek more PDF
Parlamas M. G.  The diary of Konstantinos Kozyris from Kritsa (part 2) Greek more PDF
Marinatos S. B. Hrozny’s reading of Creto-Mycenaean script Greek more PDF
Xenaki Α. Minoan tablets in the Giamalakis Collection Greek more PDF
Stavrinides Ν. Andrea Barozzi, the betrayer of Megalo Kastro Greek more PDF
Spanakis S. Two reports from the Sphakians to Venetian provveditors (1593 and 1594) Greek more PDF
Xygopoulos Α.  Aghios Govdelaas by Emm. Tzane Greek more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.  Unpublished ecclesiastical documents from the period of Turkish rule, deposited in Heraklion Museum (part 3) Greek more PDF
Platon N. Contribution to the study of Minoan wall painting. The crocus-gathering monkey Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. Unpublished intermedia (interludes) from Cretan theatre Greek more PDF
Parlamas M.G.  The diary of Konstantinos Kozyris from Kritsa (part 3) Greek more PDF
Mertzios Κ. D.  New information on Cretans from the Venetian archives. I. Michael Damaskenos Greek more PDF
Tomadakis Ν. Authors of the Cretan War [Addition to the paper "Emmanuel, Konstantinos and Marinos Tzane Bounalis (a literary and bibliographic outline)", pp. 123-154] Greek more PDF
Ktistopoulos Κ. D. On certain Minoan words on the tablets in the Giamalakis Collection Greek more PDF
Platon N. Giov. Pugliese Carratelli, Le iscrizioni preelleniche di Haghia Triada in Creta e della Grecia Peninsulare, contributo alla storia della civiltà Egea. "Monumenti Antichi" XL (1945) pp. 422-610, Tavole I-XI and Estratto, Roma 1945 (Tipografia d. R. Accademia d’Italia) Greek more PDF
Manousakas M. I. E. Kriaras, E Rema Threnetike tou Ioannou Pikatorou. Epeterida tou Mesaionikou Archeiou [Academy of Athens]. Athens 1942, pp. 1-51 Greek more PDF
Chatzidakis Μ. P. Prevelakis, Theotocopoulos. Biographical Data. Athens 1942 Greek more PDF
Platon N. Const. Dem. Ktistopoulos, A contribution to the problem of the Minoan script, Athens 1945 Greek more PDF
Hutchinson R.  Sir Arthur Evans Greek more PDF
Hutchinson R.  John Pendlebury Greek more PDF
Spyridakis G. K.  Michael Katapotis (1878-1947) Greek more PDF
Platon N. The fate of antiquities on Crete during the war (part 1) Greek more PDF
Xenaki Α. The Stylianos Giamalakis archaeological collection Greek more PDF
 Kretika Chronika to Preveli Monastery Greek more PDF
Fanourakis Ε.  The work of the Committee for the Collection and Protection of Medieval Artefacts and Monuments on Crete Greek more PDF
Platon N. The fate of antiquities on Crete during the war (part 2) Greek more PDF
Platon N. Archaeological activity in Crete from 1941 to 1947 Greek more PDF

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