Volume XV - 1960  
Alexiou S. BOOK REVIEWS14493 - 4981960Greek
Agnès Xénaki-Sakellariou: Les cachets minoens de la Collection Giamalakis (Études Crétoises X, Paris, 1958
Summary PDF
A review of Agnès Xénaki-Sakellariou’s book on the Minoan sealstones in the Giamalakis collection, published by the French School of Archaeology. The sealstones are compared with similar acquisitions in other museums and examined together with features from eastern cultures. The introduction presents the method adopted, lays out the research findings regarding the development of Minoan sealstone manufacture, proposes a new chronology system and examines the shapes and subjects of seals from different periods. Thereafter each seal is described by reference to known examples of the theme depicted. The historical development of the main themes is examined and an attempt is made to interpret them. Although doubt may be cast on some of the views expressed, the work makes a major contribution to the study of one of the main branches of Minoan art.

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