Volume XV - 1960  
Davaras K. PAPERS AND STUDIES14457 - 4651960Greek
Inscriptions from Crete I
Summary PDF
Publication of nine inscriptions from Eastern and Central Crete, namely: a fragment of an inscription dating to 480-460 BC, belonging to the Gorytna law inscription group, found immured in a house in the village of Mitropoli; a 1st century BC votive inscription from the acropolis at Gortyna; part of an Ionic epistyle dating to 97-117 AD; a fragment of a marble column from the 3rd or 4th century AD; a fragment of a poros stone column dated c. 3rd century AD; a 3rd century BC funerary stele from Praisos; a tombstone dated c. 1st century BC from Maronia, Sitia; a small funerary altar dated c. 1st century BC; and a small funerary altar from Lyttos, dated to the 2nd or 3rd century AD.

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