Volume XI - 1957  
Alexiou S.BOOK REVIEWS11308 - 3151957Greek
G. A. Megas, Greek feasts and folk worship customs
Summary PDF
Presentation of Ellenikai heortai kai ethima tes laikes latreias [Greek Feasts and Folk Worship Customs] by G. A. Megas, Professor of Folklore at the University of Athens and honorary director of the Academy of Athens Folklore Archive. The book draws on folklore material mainly deriving from rural life. In isolated agricultural and pastoralist areas, many traditional and on occasion ancient customs have survived, via which folk worship in contemporary Greece can be linked to its equivalent in medieval and classical times. Many of the surviving ancient concepts of religion are encountered among other peoples, mainly of Indo-European origin. The feasts and customs comprising Greek folk worship are presented in chronological order, so as to offer a comprehensive view of their annual cycle.

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