Volume XI - 1957  
Huxley G. L. PAPERS AND STUDIES11200 - 2041957English
Observations on the Messeniaca of Rhianus of Bene
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A reconstruction of the contents of Rhianus’ Messeniaca from the nine existing fragments. On the basis of comparative evidence from other texts, it is conjectured that the epic included the conflict at Ira, the truce at the time of the Hyacinthia, the weddings of Aristomenes’ female relatives to Arcadian nobles and the flight to Rhodes, and perhaps also references to Cleomenes’ activities in Arcadia and return to Sparta and Aristomenes’ visit to Delphi. On the other hand, it is argued that no lengthy conflict between Arcadia and Messenia took place in the early 5th century, thus precluding the appearance of any reference in the Messeniaca.

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