Volume X - 1956  
Xyggopoulos Α. PAPERS AND STUDIES10332 - 3401956Greek
Cretan essays: II. The miniatures of Erotokritos in the London codex
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British Library MS Harley 5644, produced in 1710 in the Italianised artistic environment of Zakynthos, preserves the text of Erotokritos with a series of miniatures. Most of these are deeply influenced by Italian and Venetian art in particular. There are, however, a few miniatures linked to the Byzantine icon-painting tradition, as they are inspired by very common religious scenes. A third category of miniature presents a unique way of depicting background buildings, reminiscent of theatre set design. The miniaturist may have been influenced by an illuminated manuscript of a Cretan play such as Chortatsis' Erofili, which Cretan refugees could have brought with them to Zakynthos.

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