Volume X - 1956  
Platon N.OBITUARIES10317 - 3201956Greek
Michael George Francis Ventris (12 Ιουλίου 1922-6 Σεπτεμβρίου 1956)
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The British scholar Michael Ventris greatly furthered the issue of reading Creto-Mycenaean writing. He started studying the Minoan language in adolescence, and learned about deciphering cryptograms during his military service in World War II. He published a series of "work notes" on the texts of the tablets discovered at the Palace of Nestor in Pylos. In 1952 he claimed for the first time that the Linear B texts on tablets in the Mycenaean archives might conceal the Greek tongue. He furthered his research in this direction, working with Chadwick, Björk και Furumark. His contribution to science has been widely recognised. He also undertook the supervision and sketching of the excavations of the British School of Archaeology at Emborio on Chios.

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