Volume X - 1956  
Alexiou S. PAPERS AND STUDIES10237 - 2401956Greek
A funerary epigram from Polyrrhenia
Summary PDF
A funerary stele bearing relief decoration and an epigram was discovered during agricultural work at the site known as Lagos or Plagaki or Aloni Mylonostelianou at Polyrrhenia (modern-day Pano Paliokastro Kissamou), and deposited in the Chania Archaeological Collection. The stele depicts a female figure, clothed in a himation, seated on a throne and offering her hand in greeting to the man standing before her. The names of the two figures are carved above them; they are probably a father and daughter buried together. Both the image and the decorative pediment are Attic in style and may be dated to the second half of the 2nd or the early 1st century BC. The elegiac epigram below the image contains certain commonplaces of Hellenistic elegiac poetry.

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