Volume X - 1956  
Platon N.BOOK REVIEWS10154 - 1651956Greek
Fritz Schachermeyer, Die ältesten Kulturen Griechenlands, Stuttgart 1955, σ. 300, Taf. XVI
Summary PDF
Presentation of Fritz Schachermeyer’s book on the ancient civilisations of Greece compared to the other contemporary Prehellenic cycles. The terminus post quem of the study is the year 2000 BC, i.e. the beginning of the oldest palaces of Crete and Middle Helladic civilisation. The author studies the northern and southeastern components of prehistoric Greece and examines their origin, character and influence. He gives an overview of the development and movement of the civilising currents of the Oriental-Aegean community and expresses certain general conclusions. These issues are handled clearly and systematically; however, some of the author's views may be judged unsafe or be overturned on the basis of new archaeological finds.

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