Volume X - 1956  
Alexiou S. BOOK REVIEWS10134 - 1371956Greek
Konstantinos D. Kalokyris: He gennesis tou Christou eis ten byzantinen technen tes Hellados (The Birth of Christ in Greek Byzantine Art), PhD thesis, Athens, 1956
Summary PDF
Presentation of the doctoral thesis of Konstantinos Kalokyris, Superintendent of Byzantine and Medieval Antiquities of Crete, entitled He gennesis tou Christou eis ten byzantinen technen tes Hellados (The Birth of Christ in Greek Byzantine Art). The thesis examines the iconographical types of the subject as depicted in characteristic Byzantine works of Central Greece, Thessalonica, Kastoria, Rhodes, Cyprus, Arta, Crete, Mystras, Mount Athos and the Meteora, from the 11th to the 17th century. Variations of the theme in illuminated manuscripts and its sources in ecclesiastical literature are also studied. This is followed by a stylistic and technical analysis and aesthetic evaluation of the specific scenes, an examination of their relationship to Hellenistic and Eastern tradition, and definition of the new elements introduced in various periods.

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