Volume X - 1956  
Petrakis E. PAPERS AND STUDIES1029 - 1001956Greek
Aghios Georgios Apanosifis (History of a Monastery)
Summary PDF
A study of the history of the Monastery of Aghios Georgios Apanosifis, from its foundation in the final period of Venetian rule to the early 20th century. Information is drawn chiefly from manuscripts belonging to the monastery, documents in the Turkish Archives of Heraklion, and oral tradition. The history of certain dependencies is also examined, such as the nearby Monastery of Astratigos, that of the Theotokos near Venerato and the church of Aghios Georgios at Aidini in Asia Minor. The author publishes, among other things, an extract from the Diegeses peri tou pos kai tini tropo synestethe kai anegerthe he hagia aute Mone (Narrative of How and in What Way this Holy Monastery was Formed and Constructed), written by Deacon Iakovos in 1864, as well as a paracletic canon to Aghios Georgios Apanosifis, composed during the Ottoman siege of Chandax.

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