Volume VIIII - 1955  
Alexiou S. BOOK REVIEWS9523 - 5351955Greek
G. Megas: He thysia tou Avraam (The Sacrifice of Abraham), revised critical edition, Athens 1954
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Review of the new critical edition of The Sacrifice of Abraham by G. Megas. This is a revision of the 1943 edition, with new information on the first Venetian edition of the work. In his introduction, Megas covers, among other things, certain issues requiring particular attention, such as the value of the manuscripts and printed editions to the critical establishment of the text, the reasons why certain Greek texts were written using Italian characters, the editor’s decision not to standardise the language of the text based on other Cretan works, his views on the similarities between the Sacrifice and Erotokritos and the possibility that they were written by the same author, the date of composition of the Sacrifice, and its relationship to its Italian original.

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