Volume VIIII - 1955  
Zois L. PAPERS AND STUDIES9512 - 5221955Greek
A church and monastery in Zakynthos, a dependency of the Monastery of St Catherine on the Holy Mount Sinai
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At the site known as Kipos, south of the town of Zakynthos, stood a monastery of Agia Ekaterini (St Catherine) or the Three Hierarchs. It was founded in 1664 by the Cretan refugee Grigorios Savogias, who dedicated it to the Monastery of St Catherine of Sinai. The notarial deed dedicating the monastery as a dependency is published here, together with a drawing of the building by the monk Philotheos Kaliakis. The documents are preserved in the archives of the Zakynthos notary V. Bonsignior, from which Zois transcribed them. They were lost in the Zakynthos Archives fire in 1953, when the monastery itself was reduced to ruins.

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