Volume VIII - 1954  
REPORTS8499 - 5051954Greek
The Society of Cretan Historical Studies
Summary PDF
Publication of the report on the transactions of the Board of Governors of the Society of Cretan Historical Studies for 1954. During this time, the museum, library and archives were added to. The English-language guide to the Museum and other tourist literature was published, and a folk art shop set up. Data collection for a forthcoming place-name dictionary was continued. Funds were secured for restoration work on the mosaic at Hersonissos, the Idomeneus fountain was restored and the Church of Panaghia ton Stavroforon [Our Lady of the Crusaders] was preserved. The painted cupola from the Monastery of Panaghia Kardiotissa was transferred to the Historical Museum. The Georgios and Chrysi Katechaki Prize was awarded, as was the Xanthoudides Folklore Prize. Stylianos Alexiou’s Cretan Anthology appeared in print. The Society’s income increased, while outlays decreased. New members joined.

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