Volume VIII - 1954  
Alexiou LPAPERS AND STUDIES8487 - 4981954Greek
A fair representation of events
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The first critical edition of Erotokritos had been planned as a joint undertaking by Stephanos Xanthoudides and Stylianos M. Alexiou. Copies of the London manuscript and the two earlier editions were obtained, and the two men spent five years working on the text. In 1910 they signed a contract assuming joint academic responsibility, with printing expenses being undertaken by Alexiou. The first disagreements between them arose during correction of the proofs for the first printer’s sheet of the text. Preferring the use of the form “Rotokritos” over the more learned “Erotokritos” for the page title, and a phonetic rendition of certain words and forms, Alexiou decided after lengthy discussions to withdraw from the academic side of the project. Printing was completed in 1915, with Xanthoudides as sole publisher.

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