Volume VIII - 1954  
Kalokyris K. D. PAPERS AND STUDIES8389 - 3981954French
Byzantine wall-painting of the island of Crete
Summary PDF
A presentation of Cretan religious wall paintings, originally intended for students, with eight pictures of scenes and an overview of the bibliography. The main iconographic themes and their positioning in the church are presented. The wall painting quality and technique are commented on, with the idealization of forms under the influence of Paleologue art. It is considered that an independent school of Cretan art does not exist, but that the term “Cretan School” may be preserved in the wider sense of a provincial school that flourished in the 14th-16th centuries due to the creative spirit of its exponents. Certain scenes are compared to corresponding depictions from Mystras, Mount Athos, Kariye Djami in Chora and Macedonia, as well as elements of eastern art.

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