Volume VIII - 1954  
Alexiou S. PAPERS AND STUDIES8238 - 2721954Greek
Philological observations on Cretan texts
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Proper critical editions are still lacking for several of the major works of Cretan literature. These include Graphai kai stichoi kai ermeneiai and Aphegesis Paraxenos by Stephanos Sachlikis; Erofili by Georgios Chortatsis; Erotokritos by Vicenzos Kornaros; Gyparis (Panoria), Stathis, Zenon, Fortounatos by Markos Antonios Foscolos; and Kretikos Polemos by Marinos Tzane Bounialis. The author proposes corrections that contribute to critical restoration, and pinpoints certain internal evidence which helps both to date the works more accurately and to solve problems of interpretation. To that end, he examines the texts in comparison with other works of Cretan and Italian literature, and European literature in a wider sense.

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