Volume VIII - 1954  
Alexiou S. PAPERS AND STUDIES8133 - 1381954Greek
Observations on Cretan theatre
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Observations are made on certain passages in Erofili and Stathis in need of critical restoration, so as to promote comprehension of them. Proposed amendments to the text of Erofili published by Xanthoudides are based on the 1772 edition, which follows that of Gradenigo in 1676. Lacunae are pointed out in the transmitted form of Stathis: these concern the scene in which Pamphilos substitutes for Chrysippos at the night time assignations with Fedra, and references to the beating the Bravos (Ruffian) receives at the hands of Stathis, which is likewise lost. Lines may have been lost during copying, or an unprincipled attempt may have been made to curtail scene length. The title given to the work by Sathas as editor is likewise considered arbitrary.

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