Volume VIII - 1954  
Tsatsaronaki K. PAPERS AND STUDIES87 - 431954Greek
A report on atrocities in 1866
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Publication of a report of atrocities committed by the Turks during the 1866 revolution in the districts of Malevizi, Temenos, Monofatsi, Kainourio, Pyrgiotissa, Pediada, Lassithi, Merambello, Rizos and Sitia. It is preserved in manuscript form in the papers of Timotheos Veneris, Metropolitan of Crete. This is the original, which was in all likelihood written on superior orders at the time of the revolution, and completed in Lassithi on 27th August 1867. The anonymous compiler describes the tortures, murders and atrocities committed against the Christians in each area, without making reference to other military events. He appears to be from the Eastern end of the island, probably from the district of Merambello.

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