Volume VII - 1953  
Parlamas Μ. G. PAPERS AND STUDIES7235 - 2571953Greek
Unpublished documents from Sphakia
Summary PDF
The library of the Historical Museum of Crete has acquired eight documents concerning the Vourdoubas family from Chora Sphakion, covering the period 1799-1832. These concern the following subjects: the appointment of Sifis Bourdoubas as captain of Chora Sphakion; the reconciliation of Stratis and Roussos Bourdoubakis with the Fourakis family; their release from responsibility for the murder of Giorgis Fourakis; the sale of the property of the outlaw Giorgis Glinias to Sifis Bourdoubas; the settlement of financial disputes between the inhabitants of Chora Sphakion and a private citizen; a contribution to the Public Fund; the commercial dealings of Polos Bechlivanakis with Hatzi-Stratis Bourdoubakis; and the adventures of the latter on his flight from Sphakia. The introduction preceding publication of the texts provides biographies of some prominent family members.

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