Volume VII - 1953  
Tomadakis Ν.PAPERS AND STUDIES736 - 541953Greek
Hippolytos of Chios, the Cretan
Summary PDF
Hippolytos of Chios was one of the most important churchmen of the 17th century. He was born and educated on Crete, and was a kastrinsios of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Bishop of Methymna on Lesbos and Metropolitan of Chios, before returning to his homeland. He was in contact with eminent clerical scholars of his time, such as Georgios Aetolos, Cyril Lucaris, Maximos Margounios, Meletius Pegas and Gabriel Seviros. There is a brief outline of his life and work, together with a list of his correspondence and publication of a letter he sent to the officials of the Great Church (Haghia Sophia) on 23 September 1580.

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