Volume VI - 1952  
Platon N.REPORTS6471 - 4811952Greek
Archaeological activity in Crete in 1952
Summary PDF
Financially hard times and the cessation of Marshall Plan aid slowed down the pace of renovations to Heraklion Museum, restoration work at archaeological sites and excavations. Nevertheless, there was considerable archaeological activity in 1952: the exhibition of finds at the Heraklion Museum was completed; provincial collections were enriched; and a new collection was opened at Aghios Nikolaos in Merambello. Restoration work was carried out at Phaistos, Malia and the Minoan villas at Vathypetro and Sitia. The Villa Ariadne was donated to the Greek Archaeological Service and the Historical Museum of Crete was set up. Major archaeological finds were located either during excavations or by chance in the areas around Episkopi in Pediada, Sitia, Phaistos, Malia and at many other points on the island.

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© S.C.H.S & Kalokerinos' family