Volume VI - 1952  
Fanourakis Ε. PAPERS AND STUDIES6321 - 3501952Greek
Unpublished ecclesiastical documents deposited in Heraklion Museum, dating from the period of Turkish rule
Summary PDF
The serialized publication of sources from Cretan Church history continues with documents covering the period 1672-1829. The texts are: a) a copy of a letter from Dionysios IV, Patriarch of Constantinople; b) a letter from Patriarch Neophytos VI; c) a copy of a letter from Gerasimos of Crete; d) a letter from Bishop Sophronios of Kissamos; e) a letter from Sophronios, Patriarch of Constantinople; f) a letter from a certain Marinakis; g)-h) threats of excommunication and damnation issued by Patriarch Prokopios; i) a letter from Patriarch Prokopios; j) a letter from Bishop Theophylaktos of Sitia; k) a synodical letter from Grigorios, Patriarch of Constantinople; l) agreements on the lease of cultivation plots belonging to Aghios Antonios Vrontisi, Aghia Paraskevi and Aghios Fanourios Valsamonero; m) an announcement regarding the election of Meletios as Bishop of Sitia; n) a letter from Kallinikos of Crete; o) a letter from the bishops of Crete.

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