Volume VI - 1952  
Kalokyris K. D. PAPERS AND STUDIES6211 - 2701952Greek
Byzantine monuments on Crete
Summary PDF
Publication of the church of Panaghia (Kera) at Kritsa, following the completion of restoration work. This is a three-nave church with dome, dated to the 14th or 15th century. The central nave is consecrated to the Panaghia (Virgin Mary), and the two side naves to Aghia Anna and Aghios Antonios. The paper presents the monument’s architectural structure and investigates its building phases. The subjects featured in its frescoes are examined in parallel with similar ones at Mystras and Geraki in the Peloponnese, on Mount Athos, as well as in the Chora Monastery (Kariye), the Omorphe Ekklesia on Aigina, in Serbia and at a number of monuments in Crete and Macedonia. The author also determines how wall painting manner and technique evolved over the various construction phases, and gives the founders’ inscriptions and engravings in the church.

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