Volume VI - 1952  
Alexiou S. PAPERS AND STUDIES69 - 411952Greek
New information on Late Aegean chronology and history
Summary PDF
Excavation of two Late Minoan tombs at Katsambas, Heraklion, brought to light three Egyptian vases, Minoan pottery, polychrome incense burners, jewellery and a sealstone, which substantially advance research into the late palatial period. The finds include an inscribed alabaster amphora dating to the reign of Pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1500-1450). This was most probably a gift given to a prominent member of a Minoan legation at the Egyptian court. There were intense diplomatic exchanges between the two areas, which also strengthened cultural ties between Egypt and Crete in the LMII period. The finds further include a clay prochous with relief decoration, possibly used in libations. This dates to the LMIIIA:1 period, when strong “palatial” traditions began to be combined with changes in decorative aesthetics and a new technique.

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