Volume V - 1951  
Kalokyris K. D. REPORTS5451 - 4541951Greek
Activities concerning the Byzantine and medieval monuments of Crete in 1951
Summary PDF
On the author’s appointment to the position of curator of Byzantine and Medieval Antiquities of Crete, the monitoring and protection of the monuments in question has become systematic. Provision has been made for the conservation of the walls, cisterns and large churches of the Venetian period in Heraklion, the preservation of the entablatures of a medieval church in Anogia, and the conversion of the Venetian Loggia in Rethymnon into a museum. There were visits to monuments of Rethymnon district in order to ascertain their condition, collect epigraphical and other material and photograph the wall paintings. Reconstruction work was carried out on the church of the Panagia in Potamies, Pediada, the Monastery of Arkadi, the Venetian Loggia in Rethymnon and the church of Aghia Ekaterini in Heraklion. Smaller-scale work was also done on the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Fourni.

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