Volume V - 1951  
Platon N.REPORTS5438 - 4491951Greek
report Archaeological activity in Crete in 1951
Summary PDF
Archaeological affairs in Crete advanced significantly, thanks to the aid provided by the Marshall Plan and intensive efforts by both the Greek Archaeological Service and the British, Italian and French Schools of Archaeology. Important finds were discovered, either by chance or in excavations. Work on the redisplay of Heraklion Museum progressed satisfactorily; restoration, consolidation and tourist development work was carried out on the palaces of Knossos and Phaistos; the groundwork was laid for the foundation of a Historical Museum; important archaeological sites were excavated and new areas of archaeological interest identified. Archaeological interest focussed mainly on the areas of Grivila in Mylopotamos, Prasas in Heraklion, the Minoan Megaron at Vathypetro, Kavousi, Pachyammos, Katsambas, Kyparissi, Merabello, Gortyn and Malia, and many other sites across the island.

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