Volume V - 1951  
Xydis Α. G.BOOK REVIEWS5313 - 3201951Greek
Book review notes on Theotokopoulos
Summary PDF
A presentation of four publications on the life and art of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, issued under the common title El Greco in the late 1940s. These are the books by Georges Grappe (Editions d’Histoire de l’Art, Plon, Paris 1948), Henri Dumont (Hyperion Press, New York 1948), Anthony Bertram (World’s Masters Series, Studio, London 1949) and Ludwig Goldscheider (Phaidon, Paris 1949). The reviewer questions the accuracy and fullness of the information provided, the arguments in favour of the attribution of unsigned works to the artist, the proposed dates and the quality of the photographs.

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