Volume V - 1951  
Schehl Fr. W. BOOK REVIEWS5302 - 3121951Greek
Inscriptiones Creticae, opera et consilio Friderici Halbherr collectae, III Tituli Cretae Orientalis. Curavit Margarita Guarducci. R. Istituto di Archeologia e Storia dell' Arte. La Libreria dello Stato. Roma, 1942
Summary PDF
A presentation of the third volume of Inscriptiones Creticae by Margarita Guarducci, in which are published the inscriptions of east Crete from Ambelos, the sanctuary of Dictaean Zeus, Hierapytna, Itanos, Oleros, Praisos, the sanctuary of Athena Samonia, Sitia and other areas. It is recognised that the editor is completely familiar with the inscriptional material and the sources on Cretan history and geography. Better readings, however, are proposed for the inscriptions Inscr. Cret. III, IV, 9, 10 and 7, concerning the Itanos area. The reviewer also considers that it would be preferable to use a unified editing technique in the publication not only of the inscriptions but also of the papyri and literary texts (Leyden system).

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