Volume V - 1951  
Alexiou S. PAPERS AND STUDIES5275 - 2941951Greek
Early Minoan burials near Kanli Kastelli
Summary PDF
An Early Minoan rock shelter burial site was discovered on the outcrop known as Korfi tou Vathia or Teichida, near Kanli Kastelli in Heraklion. The clay and bronze items brought to light by the excavation are described and grouped according to shape and technique. The finds include vessels dated between EM IB and EM IIA, resembling those found in the first stratum of Troy and early Cycladic tombs. There were also human bones, deposited intermingled and with traces of fire, according to burial rites already known from other Cretan Early Minoan burials. Thanks to these new archaeological finds, the importance of the Kanli Kastelli area in Early Minoan times is reassessed.

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