Volume V - 1951  
Tzartzanos Ι. D. PAPERS AND STUDIES571 - 751951Greek
An unpublished letter of Hatzi-Andreas Kriaras (Contribution to the history of the Chairetis Rising), Kretika Chronika V
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On the eve of the Chairetis Rising, the Professor of Theology of Athens University Mishael Apostolides exhorts one of the leaders of the Cretan Rising of 1821, Hatzi-Andreas Kriaras, to participate in the struggle, rousing his fellow Sphakians. In his letter of reply from Syros, dated 18 March 1841, Kriaras expresses his bitterness at the losses and insults sustained by the Sfakians during the previous revolt and attributes its failure to the unscrupulousness of British, French and Russian policy. European diplomacy continues to oppose the unification of Crete with the rest of Greece, therefore conditions are not yet ripe for liberation.

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