Volume V - 1951  
Mertzios Κ. D. PAPERS AND STUDIES57 - 311951Greek
Two registers of the Cretan refugees in Corfu and Zakynthos in the years 1682 and 1683
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Following the fall of Crete, many of the refugees who settled in the Ionian Islands were supported by funds from the Venetian state. The monthly allowance in biscuit or coin, which 223 Cretan families in Zakynthos and 206 in Corfu were still receiving ten years later, is mentioned in two registers sent to the Doge of Venice by the Provveditore Generale da Mar Gerolamo Cornaro in 1683. The documents list the names of the head and members of each family and the type and amount of the allowance due, determined according to the family's estimated needs and social status. The two registers were discovered in the State Archive of Venice and are published in the original Italian. Obscure words and phrases are translated in the footnotes.

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