Volume IV - 1950  
Geanakoplos D.BOOK REVIEWS4363 - 3681950Greek
Joshua Starr, Jewish Life in Crete Under the Rule of Venice, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, vol. ΧΙΙ, 54pp.
Summary PDF
The way of life peculiar to the Jews in Crete during the period of Venetian rule was due to the fact that they lived alongside native inhabitants who were also subject to a third race. The development of the relationships between Greek Orthodox, Venetians and Jews forms the central concept of this detailed study by Joshua Starr, which examines not only the political and social status of the Jews on the island, but also the taxes imposed on them, their economic and professional activities, their activities during the final years of the Cretan War, their intellectual and cultural production, as well as their relations with other Jewish centres in Europe, Egypt and Asia Minor. Some of these subjects would perhaps repay lengthier analysis.

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