Volume IV - 1950  
Parlamas Μ. G. BOOK REVIEWS4361 - 3621950Greek
E. Kriaras, Katsaitis, Iphigeneia - Thyestes - Klathmos Peloponnesou. Unpublished works. A critical edition with introduction, notes and glossaries. Athens 1950 (Collection de l'Institut Français d'Athènes)
Summary PDF
Emmanuel Kriaras has published the works of the Cephalonian poet Petros Katsaitis from a manuscript in the library of the University of Thessalonica. The works in question are the Klathmos Peloponnesou pros ten Hellada (The Lament of the Peloponnese to Greece), an extensive poem referring to the fall of the Peloponnese to the Turks in 1715, and two tragedies, Iphigeneia and Thyestes. The former was written during Katsaitis' captivity in Crete, where he was able to acquaint himself with the Cretan language and literature, a decisive influence on his later work. In his introduction, the editor investigates Katsaitis' life, analyses his work, examines his language and versification, and identifies traces of Cretan influences. The texts are accompanied by critical notes and glossaries.

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