Volume IV - 1950  
Spanakis S.PAPERS AND STUDIES4319 - 3521950Italian
The report by Duke of Crete Dolfin Venier
Summary PDF
Following his return to Venice in 1600, Dolfin Venier, the outgoing Duke of Crete, submitted a report to the Venetian authorities. In this he described the administrative organisation on the island; the dispensation of justice; the office of General Provveditor; grain supplies; the operation of mills; the state of military forces; forced labour; the feudal and mercenary cavalry; fitting out of galleys; the antiskaroi (paid substitutes for those liable for galley service); water supply; dredging operations in the port at Chandax; finance departments; measures to be taken to safeguard the Kingdom of Crete, which he identified during his term of office. The report is published in the original Italian together with a Greek translation.

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