Volume IV - 1950  
Sevcenko I. PAPERS AND STUDIES4268 - 2801950french
Dogale pour Paul Contarini, Capitaine de Candie
Summary PDF
Description of a dogale, a public document on parchment from the chancellery of the Doge of Venice, preserved in Walters Art Gallery ΜS 484. The document bears the seal of Alvise Mocenigo, Doge from 1570 to 1577, and is addressed to the General Captain of Candia Paul Contarini circa 1575. It contains the precise instructions (commissione) Contarini received before taking up his duties in Crete. In general terms, the new Captain’s priorities are the reinforcement of the defences of Candia, economic policy and the economic and cultural subjugation of the Greek population. Extensive extracts from the original Italian text are provided, as well as the frontispiece miniature portraying Contarini, and a map of Crete from the same manuscript.

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