Volume IV - 1950  
Kalitsounakis I.PAPERS AND STUDIES4257 - 2631950Greek
Modern travellers and historians of Crete
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The travellers who visited Crete and students of its history include the Austrian doctor F. W. Sieber and the German historian J. W. Zinkeisen. The former toured the island and presented his naturalist, archaeological, economical and ethnographical observations in his book Reise nach der Insel Kreta in 1817, published in Leipzig six years later. The latter studied the history of the Venetian rule of the island from sources in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; he included it in the fourth volume of his Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches in Europa (1856). The two texts reflect ways of approaching Cretan culture in Europe, shortly before the Greek Revolution and a few decades prior to the establishment of the Cretan State, respectively.

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