Volume IV - 1950  
Fanourakis Ε. PAPERS AND STUDIES4214 - 2321950Greek
Unpublished ecclesiastical documents from the period of Turkish rule, deposited in Heraklion Museum
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Continuing the publication of ecclesiastical sources of Cretan history with documents of Maximos, Metropolitan of Crete from the years 1786-1798. The texts are: a) a register of debts of the Province of Crete; b) a letter of congratulations from Samuel, Metropolitan of Ephesus; c) a reply from Kyzikos Agapios; d) a letter from the deacon of Joasaph, Metropolitan of Chalcedon; e) a letter from Ioannis Mikelis, forwarding a letter from Kyzikos and announcing the raising of Neophytos to the patriarchal throne; f) a letter from Gerasimos, Metropolitan of Thessalonica; g) a letter from Makarios, Metropolitan of Derka; h) an "instalment" of the debt owed by the Province of the Metropolitan of Crete; i) a letter from Esau, Metropolitan of Neocaesaria, concerning Maximos’ support at the Synod; j) a letter from Meletios, Metropolitan Ephor of Heraclea, on the dispatch of a thousand spelling primers and the settlement of outstanding dues.

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