Volume IV - 1950  
Drandakis N. V. PAPERS AND STUDIES421 - 641950Greek
Information on the schools of Rethymnon during the second quarter of the 19th century
Summary PDF
Aspects of the modern Greek educational experience in Rethymnon are studied on the basis of the class registers and accounts books of the schools of the town in the years 1834-1851. Specifically, the educational opportunities of the inhabitants up to the turn of the 19th century are examined, along with the conditions of establishment of the Greek and allelodidactic schools, the allelodidactic girls’ school, the origins of the teaching staff, the parentage, number and financial responsibilities of the pupils, the provision and furnishing of the buildings, teaching methods, prizes and school-leaving certificates awarded, duration of study, subjects taught, the provision of books and writing materials, the management and financial administration of the schools, the bodies supervising their operation, their property and financing.

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