Volume III - 1949  
Hionides H. PAPERS AND STUDIES3403 - 5051949English
An English report concerning the siege and fall of Chandax
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A brief narrative on the final stage of the siege of Chandax and the surrender of the city by Francesco Morosini to the Ottomans on 6 September 1669 is published in the English original and in Greek translation. The author remains unknown; he was present at the surrender and gathered information from both opposing camps. The memorandum names the Ottoman leaders who participated in the hostilities from 22 May 1667 onwards, and provides an estimate of the number of the Ottoman forces, a record of events during the last 29 months of the siege, and the articles of the peace treaty. The published text is taken from Codex Rawlinsonianus 684 in the Bodleian Library. Another copy is preserved in Cambridge University Library, probably intended as a printer’s copy.

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