Volume III - 1949  
G. de Santerre H.PAPERS AND STUDIES3363 - 3911949French
Mallia, aperçu historique
Summary PDF
Discussion of the relative chronology of the Minoan palace, town and necropolis of Malia from Neolithic times to the final abandonment of the site following the Archaic period. The discussion is based on the buildings and finds, particularly the pottery, uncovered during the course of the early excavations by the French School of Archaeology, with an overview of the literature. The settlement of the site during Neolithic times and EM I-II is considered doubtful, based on scanty finds. The first certain phase of excavation is that of the First Palace, dated to EM III - MM I, while the Second Palace is MM III - LM I in date. There is a brief analysis of post-Minoan abandonment and reoccupation in the Geometric period.

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