Volume III - 1949  
Parlamas Μ. G. PAPERS AND STUDIES3293 - 3501949Greek
The historical and biographical notes of Stephanos Nikolaides
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The Simeioseis Epochon Epitopion (Notes on Local Times) are selected and published from the works of the Cretan icon painter, cantor, politician and scholar Stephanos Nikolaides. The Notes cover the military, ecclesiastical, educational, political, cultural and other events of the period 1821 - 1893. Brief reports of military events which took place in the central province of Crete from 1826 to 1829 are also provided. The life and actions of the author are recreated, based on the biographical information drawn from the Notes, certain printed sources and oral tradition. A letter from Nikolaides to Nikolaos Papadakis, containing information on the massacres of 1821 in Heraklion, is reprinted as an appendix

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