Volume III - 1949  
Laourdas V.PAPERS AND STUDIES385 - 1171949Greek
Encomium of the Ten Holy and Gloriously Triumphant Martyrs by Andreas the Hierosolymite, Archbishop of Crete
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An edition of the Encomium of the Ten Saints, who were martyred at Gortys under Decius, written by Andreas, Archbishop of Crete. The edition is based on Codex 88 of Chalki and Codex 80 of the National Library of Turin, both of which are dated to the 9th or 10th century and are copies of originals written in capital letters. In the introduction, the Encomium of Andreas of Crete is examined together with the synaxary tradition of the Saints and the encomium dedicated to them by Hesychius. The historical events echoed in the text are also examined. The original text dates to the early 8th century, by which time the cult of the Ten Saints had already spread across the whole island.

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