Volume III - 1949  
Manousakas M. I.PAPERS AND STUDIES335 - 591949Greek
The census of Crete by Trivan (1644) and the so-called catalogue of Cretan families of Corfu
Summary PDF
The chronicle of Trivan comprises documents and narratives from the period of Venetian rule in Crete. It includes the names of the families living on the island in 1644, recorded according to administrative district and social class. The lists of Venetian nobles (nobili veneti), military men and families which had lost the Venetian title of nobility are given first. There follow the Cretan nobles (nobili cretensi), the burghers (cittadini) and the merchants (mercanti). Then there are certain statistics on the number of villages and the population of the island on the eve of the Cretan War. It is established that the catalogue of Cretan families of Corfu published by Spyridon Lambros was copied from Trivan’s chronicle. The edition of the lists and statistics is based on Venetian manuscripts.

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