Volume III - 1949  
Mamalakis.Ι. P. PAPERS AND STUDIES316 - 341949Greek
The question of D. Mavrocordatos’ posting as Governor of Crete in 1867 (Behind the scenes of the 1866-9 conflict)
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The decision of the Athens Central Committee on the Cretan Question to send Demetrios Mavrocordatos to Crete in 1867, to assume the governorship of the island and direct the revolution, was never implemented. The reasons which led the Committee to this decision, the reception of the proposal by the military leadership, the General Assembly and the Temporary Government of Crete, the views of the Greek Government and the conditions leading to Mavrocordatos’ withdrawal from the Athens Central Committee, are analysed on the basis of documents of the Athens Central Committee, held in the Historical Archive of Crete, and other archive sources from the General State Archives. The main reason suggested for the cancellation of Mavrocordatos’ posting is the attitude of the Greek Government under Koumoundouros, which did not sanction it.

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