Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Laourdas V.PAPERS AND STUDIES2539 - 5401948Greek
Cretan Palaeography. 1. The codex of Francesco Barocci
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An illustrated manuscript of the Oracles of Leo the Wise is preserved in the collection of codices belonging to Francesco Barocci, in the Bodleian Library (Baroc. gr. 170). According to the opening dedication, the Venetian nobleman Giacomo Foscarini requested Barocci to copy an earlier illustrated manuscript of the Oracles, translate it into Latin, restore the text by removing later interpolations and illustrate it, a work which Barocci completed in Crete in 1577. Another work copied by Barocci is codex Lond. Burn. 105, copied in Venice in 1588. The Oracles are supplemented by an unpublished prophecy from another manuscript in the Bodeian (Laud. Gr. 52), copied in 1568 by Antonios Episkopopoulos.

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